Friday, 3 August 2012

Episode 272- Mifune vs Hanzo

Hey guys... I hope you watched this week's episode 'Mifune vs Hanzo'.
Well, we all know the story since we already read it in manga. But watching in it animated form is the best :) and this week's episode is not bad :)
The plot is the unit lead by kankuro is chased by a bunch of resurrected people which includes chiyo, hanzo, kimimaro etc.,
So as a back up the samurai troop lead by mifune enters the field. Then the battle between mifune and hanzo begins. Except hanzo, the resurrected people lure the other samurai warriors. During the battle mifune reveals to hanzo that they had already met in a battle. During that previous battle hanzo had beaten mifune to death but hearing about his convictions (as mifune says) hanzo gave him the antidote to the poison, that his blade was dipped since he had made a gash on mifunes forehead before. So mifune survived that poison. After this hanzo came to remember everything about the battle. But Mifune attacks hanzo again furiously and hanzo lost to him this time. Then mifune told hanzo that he never give up on his conviction and so he was able to beat hanzo who gave up on his conviction himself which is to bring peace. Finally hanzo realized everything and he cut the poison gland which was implanted in him when he was a boy. He cut that gland with a piece of his broken blade so that the poison gas from the gland will paralyze him and he could be sealed right away. During cutting himself hanzo passed down his conviction to mifune. Kabuto found out that hanzo was not obeying his orders so he changes him in to mindless mode which doesn't succeed because hanzo was paralyzed. Finally Hanzo was sealed by a ninja and then mifune decides to build a Grave in honor of Lord Hanzo :)

Lord Hanzo- The Salamander

Next episode is the fight between three students and their resurrected Sensei.. Hope you know them ;).. Have fun naruto'lovers :) 

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